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(All terms are subject to change without notice)


  1. Non-members visiting The Curriculum Cooperative are asked to register in order to download lessons for free. On registering, a visitor is credited with 10 hours worth of lessons for download. Visitors may also purchase lessons for the retail prices posted by their authors, who receive 80% of sales as royalties. A third option is to become a member and buy a site license, 80% of which is also distributed to the authors of the lessons downloaded under the license.

  2. If you want to use more than 10 hours of our lessons but cannot pay retail, then we ask that you become a Curriculum Cooperative member. You can become a member simply by submitting one of your own lessons and having it approved by a Mentor. You are awarded 10 hours of lesson credits for every hour of lesson material that you contribute as a member. Your mentor will contact you soon after you have submitted a lesson and will be somebody familiar with the subject and grade level of your submitted lesson.

  3. Individual lessons can be bought and sold "retail." The Library passes along eighty percent (80%) of the retail price to the authors, mentor, and/or owners according to their percentage ownership.

  4. If you use the Curriculum Cooperative as a primary source of instructional materials for a class, as you would a textbook, we ask that you arrange a site license from your school or district. Only members may purchase a site license.
    1. A site license for a single class (20-30 students) for one year is $200.00.
    2. Otherwise the fee is calculated at $10.00 per student per year per class.
    3. You will make these arrangements with your mentor teacher. A mentor is assigned the first time that a user contributes a lesson to the Library and becomes a member.
    4. Scholarship site licenses are arranged through your mentor.


  1. When you contribute a lesson to the Library you are agreeing that it can be used by teachers under the following reasonable interpretation of the federal Fair Use paragraph that governs how teachers may use lessons or materials:
    1. Teachers may make as many copies as needed for one use. Each copy must maintain any copyright notice. IF MATERIALS ARE PURCHASED RETAIL: The materials may be used as many times as the teacher wants for his/her own use.
    2. Lessons are used with live students with whom there is direct communication
    3. No copies, paper or electronic, may be kept after the material is used once. IF MATERIALS ARE PURCHASED RETAIL: Copies may be stored, but they may not be distributed to others.
    4. Library lessons may be modified by a teacher for his/her own use, but teachers may not claim as their own lessons that are substantially derived from Curriculum Cooperative materials or lessons.
    5. You may bookmark lessons within the Curriculum Library as part of your member account and may retrieve them quickly when you wish to use them again. This allows the Curriculum Cooperative to pay the author a royalty each time her lesson is used.



  1. Contributors maintain ownership and control of the materials they share through the CCo-op.

  2. Contributors set their own prices for the lessons and materials that they enter into the Curriculum Library. The Library passes along eighty percent (80%) of the retail price to the authors, mentors, and/or owners according to their specified percentage ownership. Ownership shares are designated when the lesson is submitted and only the lead author may subsequently change the values.

  3. Eighty percent (80%) of site license fees are distributed as royalties to the authors and owners of the lessons downloaded under the site license, while 10% of the site license fees are distributed to the Mentor and Domain Supervisor.

  4. Authors and owners do not receive any royalties when their lessons are downloaded to their own school or school district. In other words, teachers allow the school districts for whom they work to use their lessons without compensation. This reflects a long-standing past practice in most districts and removes a possible conflict of interest.

  5. Authors must submit an IRS W-9 form to the Curriculum Cooperative, informing the Cooperative of their tax identification number or social security number, before the Cooperative can send them any money.

  6. Authors are responsible for keeping their Library registration information (“My Account”) current so that any disbursements or communication are promptly received.

  7. To ensure the quality of the materials available through the Curriculum Library, each submitted lesson is first sent to a mentor teacher who reviews the lesson and the characterizations chosen when submitted. The mentor directs or helps the author(s) with any improvements, and authorizes the final inclusion of lessons in the Library.

  8. Mentor teachers are awarded at least 10% ownership in the lessons they review to compensate them for their time, effort and expertise. The below chart describes the percentage commissions for various levels of contribution by the mentor. Mentors can also help you with using the Curriculum Library and with curriculum planning, alignment, coordination, or documentation. They can answer questions you might have on the Curriculum Library community of teachers and the resources available to you.


Mentor or Domain Supervisor Task


Introduces the new author to the Curriculum Library use, intent, and character. Evaluates the newcomer’s submitted lesson and the categorizations for inclusion in the Curriculum Library and provides minor changes.

10% ownership of the lesson copyright



Provides substantial and significant help on the design, content, format, and/or categorization of the lesson.

 Up to 50% of the lesson copyright, as negotiated between mentor and author

Mentor arranges school’s or district’s purchase or renewal of a site license through the mentor’s teacher-authors.(Not including large requests for site licenses that are passed on to the domain supervisor for a response.)

Domain supervisor responds to requests for help from the mentor in arranging the license, reviews the license agreement, and takes responsibility for addressing the data analysis and professional development needs of the school or district.

10% of the site license fee

Domain supervisor:
2% of the site license fee

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